Campus Life

Extracurricular activities available as an extension of the regular school program.


Student participation in extracurricular activities is highly encouraged yet need guidelines to achieve its goals in serving and enriching the mission-vision statement of Dominican International School. DIS makes extracurricular activities available as an extension of the regular school program, with this important difference: participation in the regular curriculum is a right afforded to each student, while participation in the extracurricular program is a privilege that carries additional expectations for acceptable conduct.

Students engaging in extracurricular activities represent not only themselves, but also other students and DIS when performing, competing, or participating in extracurricular activities and while wearing uniforms or other clothing that identifies the student to the community or public in any setting as DIS students. For this reason, their behaviour/s must be exemplary and reflect the finest attributes of the total DIS student body at all times and places.


Important goals of the extracurricular program are to give students direction in developing

It has to be clear to DIS students that participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege and not a right, therefore the school is authorized to set higher standards for participants of extracurricular activities than it would for those students who choose not to participate in these activities. DIS also has the authority to choose students who can best represent the school in any competition, conventions, or conferences.

Extracurricular Activities Handbook