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December 2023

Sr. Jacqueline C. Manuel, OP - the 20th Directress/Principal of DIS Taipei.

Directress/Principal Sr. Jacqueline C. Manuel, OP, receives the Stamp of the Directress of DIS Taipei symbolizing its office and authority.

Sr. Jacqueline: A Christmas filled with love and blessings of Jesus

The Nativity of the Lord
Taipei, 25 December 2023

Dear DIS Family,

In the midst of our expectations and aspirations, it is essential to recognize the reason for the season: Jesus came into the world in the form of a man to redeem us. As we find joy in the prospect of receiving presents, let us not forget the profound gifts that He brings to each of us during this sacred season of Advent.

Firstly, He offers us hope—a beacon that shines in the darkest corners of our lives. In the face of life's challenges and uncertainties, Jesus promises that something good will emerge. This hope is not confined to the present moment but extends to the eternal life He graciously invites us to share with Him in heaven.

Moreover, Jesus blesses us with the gift of joy. A joy that multiplies when we selflessly share whatever little we have with others. This joy is resilient, undeterred by pain or suffering, for we carry the knowledge that Jesus walks beside us, illuminating our path.

Lastly, let us cherish the peace that Jesus bestows upon us. It is a peace that transcends the superficial tranquility the world may offer. It is an active peace, one that doesn't merely absolve conflicts, suffering, or war but rather propels us to actively share this peace with others.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us also take a moment to embrace the profound messages of hope, joy, and peace that Jesus imparts to us. May these gifts not only enrich our lives but inspire us to be beacons of light, hope, and love in the lives of those around us. Let us be a reflection of the love and generosity that Jesus exemplifies. May the joy of His presence infuse our hearts, making us a true testament to the spirit of the season.

Wishing you all a festive and meaningful celebration filled with the love and blessings of Jesus.

Sr. Jacqueline C. Manuel, OP (signed)